
preview-picture description comment
Ananas-ueberesichtK.jpg leaf of pineappleMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme Ananas
Asplenium_scolopendrium-Uebersicht-HF.jpg Asplenium scolopendrium (hart's-tongue fern)Microscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme Asplenium scolopendrium
Bambus-ueberesichtK.jpg leaf of bambooMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme Bambus
Binse-uebersichtK.jpg Juncus spec., rushMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme Juncus
Caltha_palustris-100x_K.jpg Caltha palustris, (kingcup, marsh marigold)Microscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto his link opens a seperate page on the theme Caltha palustris
Cedrus_atlantica-100x_K.jpg Cedrus atlanticaMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto Dieser Link öffnet eine separate Seite zum Thema Cedrus atlantica
Eibe-uebersicht_K.jpg Taxus spec., yewMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the themea Taxus
Fichte-uebersicht_K.jpg spruceMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme spruce
Hippuris_vulgaris-100x_K.jpg Hippuris vulgarisMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme Hippuris vulgaris
Iris_pseudacorus_K.jpg Iris pseudacorus, water flagMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme Iris pseudacorus
Kiefer-uebersicht_K.jpg pineMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme pine
Laerche-uebersicht_K.jpg larchMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme larch
Kaulquappe-laengs_K.jpg TadpoleMicroscopy, photomicrograph, Microfoto This link opens a seperate page on the theme tadpole
